I am pleased to announce our new website for promoting Measure 2. We have 2 new URLS:
► YesM2.com
► EmpowerTheTaxpayer.org
YesM2.com is short and easy to remember and type, so prefer that one and tell all your friends about it. All URLs, including the original www.empowerthetaxpayer.com, will take you to the same main page.
This site will remain here, but will no longer be updated.
New Website Features
Look at the some of the great features of our new website:
- Videos and audio podcasts
- Our book, The Property Tax Revolution, available in hard copy and 2 ebook formats
- Links to studies and state documents that explain M2 and how important it is
- A chance to win a collector's edition of Monopoly
- A great discussion forum—your chance to share, discuss and debate
- Downloads (coming very soon!)
- and much more, so keep checking and stay tuned!
Also, please visit (and remember to Like) and post to our new Facebook page:
A Call To Arms!
We have some great tools in place for getting the word out about Measure 2 and now we NEED your help. If you want to see property tax eliminated in North Dakota or want to see the Property Tax Revolution come to your state we need you to do the following:
- Tell everyone on your email list, friends and family about our website: yesM2.com
- Sign up on our website forum and/or subscribe to our Facebook page to receive updates
- Buy our book - gain indepth knowledge while supporting our efforts
- Like our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/
empowerthetaxpayer - Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/
empowerthetaxpayer (More videos are on the way. You won't want to miss them.) - Donate, DONATE! Any amount, $5, $50, $500, will help us win Measure 2 on June 12th!
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